The Maloof family is about to suffer an excruciating case of whiplash. They had the moving trucks parked at Pea Soup Andersen's on I-5, taking a little rest before heading down to Disneyland.
But they are about to receive a text message from the NBA.
Turn around, dudes.
Now this sudden and stunning turn of events puts old Joe and Gavin in a bit of spot.
How are they gonna make nice-nice with Sacramento after slobbering Anaheim with full wet kisses?
Well, there is one very simple way.
Don't wait until May 2.
Don't make the Sacramento fans twist any longer.
Come out on Monday -- in public, preferably in a nice outdoor setting -- and announce that you have ended your affair with that other city and you are happy to be back home.
Bring in Chris Webber to stand with both of you on the podium. Maybe Mitch Richmond. Hey, even Rick Adelman would be a great gesture. And, of course, Mayor Johnson and Carmichael Dave.
Say the right things. Wear purple. Pump your fleshy fists. And vow to work tirelessly to get an arena done.
It would be a grand, noble gesture.
A giant make-up hug.
And maybe the relationship can be mended.
But letting this draw out and trying to salvage the deal to Anaheim will only alienate the fans.
Time to do the right thing.