Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Westphal is in the dark and that's all you need to know

During Paul Westphal's press conference after Tuesday night's loss to the Rockets, a reporter asked him about the newly acquired shooting guard Jermaine Taylor.

Westphal shot the reporter a dirty look and asked, "Why are you asking me that question?"

When the reporter explained, Westphal said, "I've just been coaching the game, I don't about any trades."

Really? Really?

Geoff Petrie can't even bother to pick up a phone and tell his coach about a new player coming aboard? No brief consultation? How about slipping him a note at halftime?

The exchange made Westphal look like an out-of-the-loop rube.

Was this an honest oversight? Or was it an ominous sign that Petrie just has no regard for Westphal and the way he's coaching and doesn't care to include his coach in personnel decisions.

When I asked Kings beat writer Jason Jones about it in a tweet, he tweeted back that Westphal just couldn't say anything yet because the trade wasn't official.

If that was true, that's what he should have said, But it sure didn't look like that on camera.

Stay tuned.

It's gonna get really interesting.

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